
The hwrt toolkit is developed by Martin Thoma. The development began in May 2014.

It is developed on GitHub:

You can file issues and feature requests there. Alternatively, you can send me an email:


Code coverage can be tested with

$ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package hwrt --logging-level=INFO --cover-html

and uploaded to with

$ coveralls


The documentation is generated with Sphinx. On Debian derivates it can be installed with

$ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx

Sphinx makes use of reStructured Text

The documentation can be built with make html.

Project structure

The project structure is

├── bin
├── docs
├── hwrt
│   ├── misc
│   └── templates
└── tests
    └── symbols

where the folder bin contains all scripts that can directly be used, hwrt contains all modules and tests contains unittests written with nosetools.

The symbols subfolder contains JSON files of recordings that are used for testing.

Current State

  • lines of code without tests: LOC
  • lines of test code: LOT
  • test coverage: cov
  • pylint score: lint
date,        LOC,  LOT, cov, lint, cheesecake_index, users, changes
2014-11-16, 3361,  936, 72%, 9.70, 314/595, 1
2014-11-17, 3332,  965, 72%, 9.70, 314/595, 1, moved '' to subcommand 'hwrt view'
2014-11-18, 3325,  988, 71%, 9.71, 314/595, 1, moved '' to subcommand 'hwrt download'
2014-11-19, 3312,  988, 72%, 9.71, 314/595, 1, refactoring
2014-11-20, 3281, 1001, 72%, 9.78, 314/595, 1, refactoring (logging); added test case for create_pfiles
2014-11-21, 3274, 1001, 72%, 9.78, 314/595, 1, refactoring (temporary file)
2014-11-22, 3282, 1001, 72%, 9.82, 315/595, 1, refactoring (temporary file for evaluation, fixed issue #7)
2014-11-23, 3279, 1043, 72%, 9.83, 315/595, 1, moved '' to subcommand 'hwrt analyze_data'; refactoring (
2014-11-24, 3286, 1069, 73%, 9.83, 315/595, 1, hwrt/ refactoring (tempfile; splitted long function)
2014-11-25, 3445, 1070, 73%, 9.80, 314/595, 1, hwrt/ added AnalyzeErrors
2014-11-26, 3455, 1136, 74%, 9.81, 315/595, 1, hwrt/ refactoring, normalization can get activated
2014-11-27, 3450, 1140, 75%, 9.82, 315/595, 1, hwrt/ refactoring; added test
2014-11-28, 3443, 1149, 75%, 9.82, 315/595, 1, hwrt/ refactoring to simplify code; added images of rotated recording
2014-11-29, 3448, 1147, 76%, 9.82, 315/595, 1, bin/ refactored to use temporary file
2014-11-30, 3464, 1165, 76%, 9.82, 315/595, 1, hwrt/ refactoring for easier testing
2014-12-01, 3488, 1165, 76%, 9.82, 315/595, 1, bin/ Added web server draft
2014-12-02, 3507, 1165, 76%, 9.82, 315/595, 1, bin/ Updated web server
2014-12-03, 3525, 1165, 76%, 9.78, 316/595, 1, hwrt/ check configuration file for nntoolkit; formulas can now be recorded and evaluated without non-free software :-)
2014-12-04, 3640, 1165, 76%, 9.75, 315/595, 1, hwrt/ and hwrt/ Improved recognizer; added model file to project
2014-12-05, 3669, 1191, 76%, 9.79, 316/595, 1, updated code to work with Python 3